Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Whole30 progress report. Days 2-5

Days 2-3: The hangover.

Feeling really hungry and craving dairy.
Would kill someone for a glass of milk, or a scoop of creamy yoghurt. I can't give up yet! It's only the beginning.

It's only 30 days. 

I keep distracting myself and snacking on good things. Have probably eaten far too much. Feeling bloated and awfully fat.

I thought I was either going to throw up or pass out, through lack of sugar.

Over the past 2 days, I have realised that I am actually pathetic.

Days 4-5: Kill all the things.

Keep almost eating food I shouldn't. I am SO attached to food. It makes me all the more determined.
I have a really short fuse and Marty is bearing the brunt of the snapping.

Food is tasting so much better than I ever remember. I believe it's because I have been killing my taste buds with junk.

Our meals have been creative, filling and delicious.

I could really go a choc-fudge sundae, though.

The only reason I am still awake, is because I just ate 2 oranges.

Onwards and upwards!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are strong! If it's what you want to do then I'm here to support you - Go, B, Go! x
