10 days ago, I had an aim.
An aim to stop food from owning me.
I started the Whole30 slightly blind and a little ill-informed.
I felt really inspired to jump on the clean eating band wagon.
I have eaten a lot of really nutritious food this past 10 days. Marty and I, we have both enjoyed it so much.
Stuffed capsicums, zucchini noodles, roast vegies and nut butter. So much variety and so many flavours.
Around day 5, I started questioning things.
Why do I have to give up legumes? I love corn and beans.
Hang on.. I am an adult. An individual. Not a sheep.
Corn was part of my next meal.
On day 7 and my lovely Mum offered to make me bacon & eggs. I dry heaved.
I cooked porridge. No brown sugar or sultanas. Delicious.
That day, I made a few decisions.
I will continue being more creative with our meals. Eating more protein and vegetables.
I will eat legumes, dairy and some grains. (Brown rice, cous cous, oats).
The main thing is no sugar for me.
I am now moving through to the next phase of the Whole30.
The 'Bianca-will-make-up-her-own-mind-about-food-choices-and-not-follow-crack-pot diets' diet.
So there's my update!
Back to blog posts about baby related stuff, no doubt.
Awesome! I'm so glad you've come to this conclusion! x