Wednesday, 13 August 2014

I like turtles.

Today, I galloped down the hallway, loudly clicking my tongue to make the sound of hooves.
When I got to the end, I let out a a high pitched NEEEEEEEIGH!

Shortly after, it clicked. 

That's why my son is so weird.

How could I expect anything else?

Being silly on Daddy's shoulders.
Then I began thinking about the many moments of strange behaviour that go on in this house.

Marty and I have recently taught Eli the Ferris Beuller's Day off BOW WOW, Chicka-chickaaa sound effect. He does a tickatickeee sound. We are SO proud each time, it's a little pathetic.

My Mum asked me Shouldn't you teach him something useful!?
My response Isn't that useful!?

I'm serious.

My Dad has taught me many interesting lessons and phrases throughout the years. I believe that they've made me a better person. And a better Mother. (A fun one anyway!)

Crawling around with Poppy.
Wise words from my Dad include (but are not limited to):

You can fart five times before you shit yourself. - Extremely valuable.
Is that your head, or are you wearing it for a bet? - Great insult for people I don't like.
Don't talk to common people. Oh, Dad.

The things our parents 'teach' us are so important.
It's the funny quotes, silly games and interesting stories that'll remain in our memories.

My thought? Let go of worrying about what children need to know - and just give them your time. They'll learn anyway!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Whole30 Bianca style.

10 days ago, I had an aim.
An aim to stop food from owning me.

I started the Whole30 slightly blind and a little ill-informed.
I felt really inspired to jump on the clean eating band wagon.

I have eaten a lot of really nutritious food this past 10 days. Marty and I, we have both enjoyed it so much.

Stuffed capsicums, zucchini noodles, roast vegies and nut butter. So much variety and so many flavours.

Around day 5, I started questioning things.
Why do I have to give up legumes? I love corn and beans.

Hang on.. I am an adult. An individual. Not a sheep.

Corn was part of my next meal.

On day 7 and my lovely Mum offered to make me bacon & eggs. I dry heaved.

I cooked porridge. No brown sugar or sultanas. Delicious.

That day, I made a few decisions.

I will continue being more creative with our meals. Eating more protein and vegetables.

I will eat legumes, dairy and some grains. (Brown rice, cous cous, oats).

The main thing is no sugar for me.


I am now moving through to the next phase of the Whole30.

The 'Bianca-will-make-up-her-own-mind-about-food-choices-and-not-follow-crack-pot diets' diet.

So there's my update!

Back to blog posts about baby related stuff, no doubt.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Whole30 progress report. Days 2-5

Days 2-3: The hangover.

Feeling really hungry and craving dairy.
Would kill someone for a glass of milk, or a scoop of creamy yoghurt. I can't give up yet! It's only the beginning.

It's only 30 days. 

I keep distracting myself and snacking on good things. Have probably eaten far too much. Feeling bloated and awfully fat.

I thought I was either going to throw up or pass out, through lack of sugar.

Over the past 2 days, I have realised that I am actually pathetic.

Days 4-5: Kill all the things.

Keep almost eating food I shouldn't. I am SO attached to food. It makes me all the more determined.
I have a really short fuse and Marty is bearing the brunt of the snapping.

Food is tasting so much better than I ever remember. I believe it's because I have been killing my taste buds with junk.

Our meals have been creative, filling and delicious.

I could really go a choc-fudge sundae, though.

The only reason I am still awake, is because I just ate 2 oranges.

Onwards and upwards!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Good-bye Sugar: A letter to my cravings.

Sugar. I'm sorry. I really am.

But I've decided that you're not a good friend to have. You bring out the worst in me.

You're the first I'm telling about this, so I'd like you to keep it from grains and dairy, until I get a chance to chat to legumes. It's a tough thing I'm doing here, but I know you'll all understand, once these 30 days are up.

You have been there for me, many, many times. It's often you and grains that get me through a long day at work, a headache, or a bad night with Eli. But I can't keep using you like this! You deserve better. I deserve better. It's time for change.

Today, is the first day. It's the first of many in a new way of viewing food.

Eating when I'm sad? No more.
When I'm angry, tired or bored? 

I'm cutting you off.

I'm cutting you off until I learn to live without you, then maybe. Maybe, you can come back.
Not the way you're here now.

In a healthy, normal-portion-size-occasional-eating kinda way.

Now, I'm happy to let legumes know, cause we're not that close, but I'm a little too scared to tell grains and dairy myself. So, if you could do it, I'd really appreciate it. Tell dairy I am just devastated it has come to this. Especially cheese.

Cheers for that Sugar. I really am sorry.

Talk to you soon. Or not so soon.


Day 1 - So what's the big deal?

Today is the first day of my first attempt at the Whole30. (I say first attempt, because a lot of people do it more than once!)

I am feeling positive about killing the hold my cravings have on me and my energy levels. I used to think I did not have any cravings, then I took a look at what I was eating to keep myself awake, entertained, or from crying!

I choose unhealthy food.

I love healthy food. I just don't choose it.

Now I'm forced to.

Wish me luck.

It's going to be rough.

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