Saturday, 19 July 2014

It's ok to get away.

I am a firm believer that every Mum needs a break.
It doesn't make you a bad mother if you spend time away from your offspring.

I recently had my first solo break from Eli since he was born. I planned it, spread my love and my time around carefully. Ofcourse I would have liked to see more people, spend more time. But, I felt that I did exactly what I wanted with the time I had.

I called it my baby-free-long-weekend. I actually visited several babies & children, so this wasn't true! But I could give my attention and my cuddles to those munchkins & not be worrying about my wee one emptying cupboards, licking floors or escaping houses!

It was a very strange experience at first. I packed, I waved goodbye to my gorgeous men and drove away, knowing they'd have a great time together.

There was no baby in the back.

I turned the music up loud and sang away.

Marty wasn't beside me to chat to. (Unlike our Noosa trip, when Eli was 3 months old! There were some serious tears from me, leaving that time!)

I got bored really quickly. I rang every person I could think of. My iPod went flat, I lost decent radio reception for far too long. After what felt like forever, I arrived!

The weekend was a blur after that. Highlights included -

Vegan restaurant for dinner. Mmm
Sleeping until 8am, because I wanted to.

Going to and from friend's houses whenever I wanted.

Baby cuddles.

Pint sized tour guide, showing me her totally amazing house.


All of the delicious food and drink.

Amazing orange cake & BEST milo ever.

On my way home, I thought about my next solo getaway. Maybe Cairns? ;)

Tell me about your solo getaways - make me jealous!


  1. I'm jealous of you! I'm so in need of some mummy time away!
    Having said that, I am lucky to get the occasional hot shower by myself for at least 5 minutes! Yay! xx

  2. Sometimes I get away to go to the beauty salon, pedicure/manicure/wax...even a bikini wax becomes a relaxing experience :)
