Tuesday, 29 July 2014

A mother hen from the beginning

Beware of the rambling nostalgia post.

I experienced a pretty amazing childhood.

The most memorable part of that time in my life, were the animals.

I would have to say, out of the many different pets I've had - The humble chook was my favourite.

Toby the Alpaca.
Even though the alpaca was fun to walk, ducks were awesome to wade around in the dams with and the ferrets were fun to play with...
My fondest memories surround the time we hatched out some gorgeous, tiny chickens.

I was immediately in love with the tiny, wonky necked, bug eyed, Rhode Island Red. I named her 'Cheap cheep', (cause she didn't cost anything and she said cheeep a lot.)

She was my best buddy. I had a warm light box over at the laundry and I'd spend a lot of time with this chook. Probably too much time. She would sit on my shoulder and eat the flies that buzzed around in summer. She followed me everywhere.

Mum and Dad's current favourite
My favourite part about Cheap Cheep, was her wonky walk. She would walk like an emu and look at everything with her head turned to the side. We all joked that dad over-heated her egg a little.

As I got older, I didn't forget about Cheap cheap. In highschool, my brother Isaac and I hosted a wedding, with a wheat cake. Her husband was very hard to catch and they didn't stand near each other, but as far as we were concerned, it was true love.

I will always remember that chook of mine. She was my baby and I was her mother hen. I even remember what day her birthday was.

My childhood memories are so rich and clear for me. This is just one of so many. Thanks for reading and sharing in one of my most cherished.

Married to an animal lover
Linking up with:


  1. Bahahaha Chook weddings! In all seriousness in primary/highschool I had a chook called Josephine possibly the most spoilt chook ever followed closely by Duck man the duckling whose mother was run over and we couldn't possibly leave on the side of the road when I was in year 8! We accumulated 3 roosters from year 9 ag because I didn't want to see the alternative of them not finding a home needless to say I was forced to rehome 2! Oh the animals any wonder my house is still a minagerie!

  2. I also grew up on the farm, and had pet lambs, cows, 2 cats, and lots of chooks. They were scared of us, not sure why, maybe we chased them as kids!! Emily - visiting as part of #teamIBOT x

  3. Oh that is so cute! I had guinea pigs as a kid. I remember trying to raise one from the dead once. :)

  4. I'm an animal lover too, Bianca. I always wanted a ferret when I was a kid. Chickens and ducks do treat people like mummies if they're brought up close to them don't they!

  5. So nice to have fond memories of pets. They can leave such a huge influence in our lives.

  6. What a gorgeous mother hen you are - one of the most caring people I know x
