I hadn't braced myself for the poo.
Oh, the poo!
My first major poo moment, was when Eli was only a few months old. I was giving him some much needed pants off time (What I like to call "Hanging out with his wang out" on his waterproof mat. He was giggling away and squealing. It was very cute and funny. I thought I'd sneak off and go to the bathroom.
I should not have.
My son, in the time I was gone, got quite busy there on the floor.
He managed to poo. EVERYWHERE. It was up his arms, in his hair, up his back. And just to add to the fun times for Mummy... well, he decided he'd roll along the floor, just to make sure it was no longer on the waterproof mat. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, his poo covered hand made its way to his mouth. This is when I SCREAMED! Needless to say, this just made him cry and the whole thing was an ordeal!
We got through that. I laughed about it, once the floor was cleaned, the mat was washed and the baby was bathed. I even sent my husband a text, with a photo of it, saying "Eli has a package for you, but it's pretty shit". He sent back "You're a sicko". I thought I was pretty funny.
There have been many memorable poo moments since...
But today... today was a corker!
I had just bathed that cheeky, tiny love o' mine and I noticed his bottom was pretty red. So, against my better judgement, I decided to let him crawl around in front of the heater, with his wang free.
Then, I received a phone call from my friend Amy. We were chatting away about Hot lunch Monday & the hip and happening online Scentsy Party we were about to attend.
Then it happened.
I looked down.
And my son, was fingerpainting the loungeroom rug, with his poo.
I quickly, yet calmly, told Amy I needed to GO, because my son had done a poo on the floor.
He laughed.
I grabbed the nearest towel.
And then, we sorted the situation out.
Being a Mum is so fun.
Lucky he's adorable!
I'm linking up with My Home Truths for I must confess Monday .
Welcome to my LIFE! HA! I shouldn't laugh. Those first few times are rather distressing...
ReplyDeleteImma be rockin in my chair in the corner with a bottle of scotch and 15 cats if you need me for therapy in our old age!
Only 15!?
Deletehaha what s terrible sh*tuation to find yourself in!
ReplyDeleteI actually LOLed. You made a FUNNY!
DeleteHaha! I think you and I must be on the same wave length with our posts of poo! Hope you have a relaxing and significantly less shitty week :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I thought exactly the same thing when I saw yours! You too!! :) See ya next week,
DeleteOh my. I don't think I had any poo adventures quite like that with my 2. The odd poo-nami when we were out shopping but that's about it ;-)
ReplyDeleteA poo-nami must not be under estimated! They're dangerous things!! Thanks for the comment, Janet!
DeleteWith three under three, I should have a tone of poo stories but I think over time I've blocked them out.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I have heard that traumatic events do get blocked out! The visuals I am getting, just thinking about 3 under 3... SO.MUCH.POO.
DeleteOh Bianca that takes the cake! Thanks for the laugh and grimace and memory. I was never a fan of nappy free time, the poo just isn't worth it! I have linked you post up to my blog for Laugh Linkup as it will be relevant and funny to lots of mums, I hope that's okay. Emily :)
ReplyDeleteHi Emily! Hahaha! I'm glad you liked it!
DeleteI used to love the tiny baby nappy free time, cause he only did a poo once or twice a week in the beginning, but now he's big, it's just a recipe for disaster! I am more than happy to be linked to your blog! Thank you!! I am very, very new to this and still haven't mastered the linking up stuff! Cheers for the comment love. I shall return the favour!
Your boy certainly has impeccable timing, doesn't he? I remember the fun we'd have with my son while nappy changing, but it was more the wee than the poo that was a problem back then!
ReplyDeleteOh he is absolutely gorgeous! Like Kirsty my little one was more about pee than poo. I think I got weed on so many times that it became a game of how fast mummy could get the nappy on vs how quickly he could pee in her face!
ReplyDeleteI feel blessed I have no messy poo stories. I really got lucky by the sounds! However while at my SIL I pulled the plug out the bath and turned to get a towel and Summer had pooed and I wasn't quick enough to fish it out and it got sucked down the plug hole in bits. Yew! I never said anything! :O
ReplyDeletePoo - basically the topic of most conversations now that I am a mother. Sigh. Many a poo situations here - only once have I opted to chuck the poo covered items in the bin instead of cleaning them...and no...I didn't chuck the baby...I cleaned it! ;)