Friday, 27 June 2014

Food for thought.

It's no big surprise that my weight and my happiness are connected. Just ask my husband. I NEVER shut up about it.
Following is a sarcastic and terrible account of my feelings right now.

Exhibit A. 2011

I'm the insane one in the black shirt. And that's my sister next to me. (She's also crazy) The fact that we're pretty drunk and dancing to terrible music, has nothing to do with it. When I was this weight (20kg lighter than I currently am), I had ONE less thing to freak out about. My jeans fit, I just ate when I was hungry and I jogged a lot.

Exhibit B. 2013

I don't know if you can see the 'oh gawd, take the camera away' look in my eyes? It's there. Along with my feet killing me, because my shoes are too tight and the gut sucking-in-undies are making my eyes water.
I'm a different person now. Yeah, I have a baby, but in all honesty, it isn't baby weight. I'm just lazy and I eat too much. I managed to lose all of my pregnancy weight and gain it all back in the first year. Do I get an award for that? Got to be some 'First time mum failure' award.

I've come up with an idea.

I think it's pretty good.

I'm going to try several things.
Firstly, I'm going to wear nothing but hessian bags and nighties (for the flash nights out).
Next, I'll stop eating altogether. I'll still buy food, but I'll just sniff it and take photos of it.
Lastly, I'll get rid of all the mirrors and widen the door frames, because the second one definitely won't happen.
All this talk of things is making me hungry.

I'm going to go and have a snack now. Maybe some lettuce? Or some chocolate?

Go ahead, give me all the tips on how to turn things around. That'll make me feel SO awesome.


  1. Babe, I got you babe. I got you babe.
    Seriously though, we need to walk more. Even if it's just to one another's houses. It's all moving, right?

    1. Yeah - we do! It's just the DOING I have a problem with.

  2. I hate mirrors. Always have. And as for weight... It too deviates from what I would like it to be. Body issues +++ since having children.

    1. I hear ya Sonja! You're beautiful, though, you know? xx

  3. Yes I avoid mirrors too (and try to avoid photographs). I felt fantastic after having twins (lost 20kg overnight go me lol) but it's all crept back tip is to join a gym and utilise the creche facilities - I never thought my kids would like going to a gym creche but they love the 'toy room'. I prefer walking outside and exercising outside but have just joined a gym for three months over Winter - and if you get sick or go on holidays, D2F lets you "pause" the membership so you're not paying for those days. Now to curb my chocolate addiction lol

    1. Go you Glenda!! You rock. I'm pleased to hear you're motivated enough to exercise. I wish I was. Josh & Laura are such a crack up! I will never forget the "Things the kids say" book that you let us read that day! I had a gym membership, but when I stopped coping, mentally - I just stopped going. So Marty has my membership now.

  4. Hot tips:
    Prepare snacks in advance - chop up fruit/have nuts/raw vegies etc for little man and you and have ready to go in portions so you grab it instead of the biscuits!

    Try to make as much food from scratch as possible so you're at least avoiding the nasty chemicals, additives and preservatives. Then work on the sugar and fat content.

    Meal plan and only shop based on that AND only buy "good' snack foods (see point 1).

    Don't completely deny yourself a treat or you'll end up totally gorging! A few bits of dark chocolate, a hand full of nuts, full fat yoghurt - all yummy and great in moderation.

    Play outside as much as you can with little man :)

    1. These are great tips. And I can maintain them for short periods. I just don't have the discipline or the motivation! I will get there.

      Thanks T! xx
