I wonder Do they drug their children? Why aren't the small ones crying uncontrollably? What's her secret?
It amazes me. With one. Yes, just one child, I am trapped. I'm here in the house, awaiting his mood to shift. His eyes open and a smile to appear. Good luck with that.
Life revolves around sleep.
I am pretty sure that it's a newbie thing. Us first time Mums, we think the sky will fall if the kid doesn't have his nap. That we couldn't possibly hold him out any longer, or his scream will shatter all the windows of the local shops.
In actual fact... we're the only ones who are bothered by this. It's really quite reasonable to consider, that if we left the house, the child may not lose his shit. The child might be fine...and if he's not.
No-one else cares.
So, right now I'm annoyed.
I had plans. I had a whole day of organised activities to complete.
- Gym.
- Fruit shop.
- Birthday party
Due to small, cranky human, falling asleep, right when I want to leave!
*grumble grumble grumble*
Ok, maybe I'm feeling a bit sick, sad and sorry for myself. That's probably not helping.
Anyone else stuck at home on this sunny Spring day?